
Sebelum kita belajar tentang materi soal reading, sebaik nya kita harus mengenal terlebih dahulu apa-apa saja bagian dalam teks

Macam-macam Teks ada 5 yaitu : Narrative, Recount, Report, Procedure, Dan Description.

1.      Teks Narrative
Teks Narrative adalah teks yang berisi tentang sebuah cerita atau dongeng dan di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian.

Generic Structure:
Orientation - Complication – Resolution

Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita
Complication berisi: Puncak masalah/konflik dalam cerita
Resolution: Pemecahan masalah

Contoh teks Narrative :
The Boy who cried “Wolf”

There was once a shepherd-boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village. Once he thought he would play a trick on the villagers and have some fun at their expense. So he ran toward the village crying out, with all his might.
"Wolf! Wolf! Come and help! The wolves are at my lambs!"
The kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him. But when they got there the boy laughed at them for their pains; there was no wolf there.
Still another day the boy tried the same trick, and the villagers came running to help and got laughed at again. Then one day a wolf did break into the fold and began killing the lambs. In great fright, the boy ran for help. "Wolf! Wolf!" he screamed. "There is a wolf in the flock! Help!"
The villagers heard him, but they thought it was another mean trick; no one paid the least attention, or went near him. And the shepherd-boy lost all his sheep.

Moral value:
That is the kind of thing that happens to people who lie: even when they tell the truth no one believes them.

2.      Teks Recount
Teks Recount yaitu teks yang berisi kejadian / pengalaman di waktu lampau.

Generic Structure:
Orientation - Even

Orientation berisi: Pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu.
Even berisi: Kejadian / Peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi.
Re-orientation (Optional/Tidak harus ada) : Ungkapan pribadi penulis atau penutup dari cerita.

Contoh Teks Recount:

An Excursion to the Botanical Garden

On Thursday 24 April we went to the Botanical Garden. We walked down and boarded the bus.
After we arrived at the garden, we walked down to the Education Centre. The third grade students went to have a look around. First, we went to the first farm and Mrs. James read us some information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot on the Botanical Garden and had a morning tea break.
Next, we did sketching and then we met the fourth grade students at the Education Centre to have lunch. Soon after that, it was time for us to go and make our terrariums while the fourth year students went to have a walk.
A lady took us into a special room and introduced herself. Then she explained what we were going to do. Next, she took us to a pyramid terrarium. It was really interesting.
After we had finished, we met the fourth grade students outside the gardens. Then we rebounded the bus and returned to school.

3.      Teks Report
Teks Report yaitu teks yang isinya menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gajala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, atau gejala- gejala sosial. Deskripsi sebuah teks report dapat berupa simpulan umum misalnya tentang rumah sederhana dengan mendekripsikan ciri-ciri subyek tersebut sehingga layak dikategorikan rumah sederhana.

Generic Structure :
General Classification – Description

General Classification berisi : Klasifikasi suatu fenomena (binatang, public places, tanaman, dll) yang akan didiskusikan/ dilaporkan secara umum.
Description berisi : Gambaran dari fenomena yang akan didiskusikan seperti bagian- bagiannya, kebiasaan atau tingkah laku jika benda hidup, kegunaannya jika non natural.

Contoh Teks Report

The heart is the most important part of the body. It is the center of life. However, the heart is only as big as a closed hand.
The heart is a muscle and it beats about seventy times per minute thought-out a person’s life.
The heart pumps blood from your heart to all parts of your body. The heart is made up of four chambers or small “rooms”. The top chamber are called the right and left auricles and the bottom chambers are the right and left ventricles.
When blood enters the heart. It is in dark reddish color because it contains carbon dioxide. The blood enters the right auricle and then the right ventricle. When the heart contracts, it forces the blood to the lungs where the blood receives oxygen. It then goes to the left auricle. The heart contracts again, and the blood goes to the left ventricle and is then forced out into the body. The blood gathers carbon dioxide and returns to the heart, and the process begins again.

4.      Teks Procedure
Teks yang menjelaskan atau memberi petunjuk cara/langkah – langkah membuat atau melakukan sesuatu.

Generic Structure :
Aim/Goal - Materials/Tools - Steps/Methods

Aim/Goal misalnya How to make Brownies Cake
Materials berisi :  bahan-bahan dan atau alat - alat untuk membuat Brownies tersebut.
Note : Materials are not required for all Procedure text
Steps/Methods berisi : langkah - langkah membuat Brownies

Contoh Teks Procedure :

How to make Lemonade

For each glass use :
·         2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
·         2 tablespoons of sugar.
·         1 glass of water

1.      Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.
2.      Take out the seeds.
3.      Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.
4.      Add sugar
5.      Add water and stir well
6.      Taste the lemonade. You may want to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right.
7.      Put it in ice cubes. A drop of red food coloring will make pink lemonade

5.      Teks Descriptive
Teks descriptive yaitu teks yang mendeskripsikan benda, orang, tempat, secara spesifik.

Generic Structure :
Identification – Description

Identification berisi: Identifikasi tentang topik yang akan dideskripsikan, misalnya: I have many pets, but my favourite one is a cat.
Description berisi : Deskripsi rinci tentang bagian - bagiannya, misalnya tentang physical appearance (ciri - ciri fisik), sifat - sifatnya (characteristics) dll.

Contoh teks deskriptif :

Hi friends! This is my friend Miranda. She comes from Sulawesi. She was born in Makasar on June 12, 1980. her hobbies are singing and swimming. She also likes planting flowers very much. She lives at 12 Jalan Jaya. She lives together with her parents and two sisters. They are Mr. and Mrs Yudhatama, Sherina and Tiara.
Miranda studies at SMP 7. Her older sister is in the first year
of SMA, and Tiara is still in SD. They all love one another.



Read the text below carefully!

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano. The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept never saying the word. At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot wouldn’t say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano I’ll kill you”. The bird kept never saying the word of Catano. One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house. The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”


A………………………….       K………………………………..
B………………………….       L………………………………...
C………………………….       M………………………………..
D………………………….       N………………………………...
            E………………………….       O………………………………..
F………………………….        P………………………………...
            G……………….…………       Q………………………………..
H…………………….……       R………………………………...
I………………………...…      S………………………………..
J……………………………     T………………………………...
                                                                                                                        Score : ………….


                                                                                                                        Score : ………….

I.       Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, D, or E according to the text!

1.  What was the title of the text above?
A. The Laziest Parrot                  D. The Foolest Parrot
B. The Most Beautiful Parrot      E. The Youngest Parrot
C. The Smartest Parrot

2.   Who was a wonderful parrot owner?
      A. The young girl                        D. The man
      B. The young boy                        E. The pretty girl
      C. The old man

3.   Why did he get so angry ? Because……..
      A. The parrot couldn’t say Catano                 D. The parrot ate his food
      B. The parrot could say every word               E. The parrot got sick 
      C. The parrot killed the chicken

4.   Where was the parrot born?
      A. In the chicken house               D. In the man’s house
      B. In Catano                                E. In the village
      C. In the jungle

5. When did he pick and throw the parrot into the chicken house?
      A. After he want to eat dinner                      
      B. After he felt so tired                                 
      C. After he got so angry make the bird say Catano
      D. After he need a meal
      E. After he had been trying so many times to

                                                                                                                        Score: ………….


Read the text below carefully!

In a football game, some people do not play the game. They have important roles in a football game. They are the coach, the referee, the linesmen, and the spectators. The coach trains the players how to play the game. The referee controls the game. He blows the whistle when there is any violation. The linesmen help the referee control the game. One group of spectators usually supports one of the two teams. Another group of spectators supports the opposing team. In a professional football match, each team has more than eleven players. Not all of them play the game. Some of them watch the game from the side of the field. They will play when they have to substitute any player who gets serious injury.


A………………………….       K………………………………..
B………………………….       L………………………………...
C………………………….       M………………………………..
D………………………….       N………………………………...
             E………………………….      O………………………………..
 F………………………….       P………………………………...
             G……………….…………      Q………………………………..
 H…………………….……      R………………………………...
 I………………………...…     S………………………………..
 J……………………………    T………………………………...

                                                                                                                        Score: ………….


                                                                                                                        Score: ………….

1.      Who controls the game in a football?
2.      How many players does each team have in a professional team?
3.      What’s the suitable title for the text?
                                                                                                                        Score: ………….       

Definisi Tenses
Tenses adalah tata kalimat, yaitu suatu pola kalimat yang digunakan dalam penyusunan kalimat bahasa Inggris. Tanpa pola kalimat, kita akan sulit membuat kalimat yang benar, dan mungkin akan keliru. Maka kita harus mempelajari pola kalimat yang benar agar mudah membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris.
Tense terbagi menjadi 3 bagian besar, yaitu: Past, Present, Future. Bahasa Indonesianya: Dulu, Kini, Nanti.

1.      Simple Present Tense.
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan atau kegiatan yang terjadi berulang – ulang dan atau terus menerus. 

Rumus :
S + V1 + O / C

Adverb of time :
  • Always            :  Selalu
  • Often               :  Sering
  • Usually            :  Biasanya
  • Today              :  Hari ini
  • This week        :  Minggu ini, etc

Contoh : I usually go away at weekend

2.      Simple Past Tense. 
Penggunaan Simple Past tense adalah untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi pada suatu titik waktu lampau. 

Rumus :
S + V2 + O / C

Adverb of time :
  • Yesterday : semalam
  • Just now   : tadi
  • Last night : tadi malam, etc

Contoh :  I walked home after the party last night

3.      Present Continuous Tense. 
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang ( Now ) atau sekitar waktu, juga untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan terjadi segera. Jika ingin membuat kalimat egative tinggal tambahkan kata not setelah to be. 

Rumus :
S+ Tobe (is, am, are) + O / C

Adverb of time :
  • Now : sekarang
  • This time : pada saat ini
  • This moment : pada saat ini, etc

Contoh : I’m going to bed now
4.      Past Continuous Tense. 
Dalam pola kalimat ini digunakan kata kerja berakhiran –ing. Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau saat kegiatan lain menyela. 

Rumus :
S + was / were + Verb-ing. 

Adverb of time :
  • When : ketika
  • While : sementara, etc

Contoh:  I was walking home when I met Dave

5.      Present Perfect Tense. 
Pola kalimat ini digunakan jika kita baru saja melakukan sesuatu / menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sudah rampung/selesai dikerjakan sekarang.

Rumus :
S + Have / Has + V3 + O / C

Adverb of time :
  • Before : sebelum
  • After : sesudah
  • Yet :  sudah, etc

Contoh : I have just had lunch

6.      Past Perfect Tense. 
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan / kegiatan yang terjadi sebelum kegiatan lain di waktu lampau, biasanya ada dua atau lebih kegiatan yang beriringan. 

Rumus :
S + Had + V3 + O / C 

Adverb of time :
  • When : ketika
  • Before : sebelum
  • After : setelah
  • As soon as : sesegera mungkin, etc

Contoh : when Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home

7.      Present Perfect Continuous Tense. 
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan pada waktu lampau dan sekarang masih berlangsung dan ada kemungkinan masih akan terus berlangsung.

Rumus :
S + Have / Has + been + V1(ing ) + O / C

Adverb of time :
  • Before
  • After
  • For
  • Since, etc.

Contoh : Mother has been sick since yesterday night

8.      Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Pola kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dimulai sebelum waktu pembicaraan pada waktu lampau dan berjalan terus sampai waktu itu, atau baru saja selesai/terjadi sebelum orang itu bebicara. Tenses ini umumnya menyatakan kegiatan/peristiwa berdurasi di waktu lampau.

Rumus :
S + Had + Been + V1(ing) + O / C

Adverb of time :
·         For
·         Before
·         After
·         When, etc

Contoh :
·      It has been raining for two hours ( sudah terjadi hujan selama dua jam ).
·      Mother had been being sick since yesterday night for two days.

Secara logika, tenses ini hamper sama dengan Present perfect continuous tense, beda nya  hanya terletak pada length of time nya . lihat kata yang di garis bawahi

9.      Simple Future Tense
Pola kalimat ini digunakan jika si pembicara ingin mengatakan suatu hal/kejadian yng akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.

Rumus :

S + Shall / Will + V1 + O / C atau S + is/am/are + going to + V1.

Penggunaanya, jika menggunakan shall/will, berarti bentuk yang akan tidak terencana, spontan akan terjadi bilamana suatu kondisi tertentu terpenuhi. Contohnya I shall meet you tomorrow. Jika menggunakan to be going to, berarti bentuk yang sudahterencana atau sudah pasti.

Adverb of time :
  • Tomorrow : besok
  • Next Saturday : sabtu besok, etc

Contoh : I will go and shut it > I am going to go and shut it

10.  Past future tense

Suatu kalimat yang menceritakan suatu kejadian atau hal, peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa yang lalu atau lampau. Dan tense ini biasa dipakai dalam “ if conditional tipe II “

Rumus :
S + Would / Should +  V1 atau S + was/ware + going to + V1.

Adverb of time :
·         Last night : tadi malam
·         Yesterday : semalam, etc

Contoh : My uncle would drive the vehicles yesterday evening

  11.Present Future Continuous Tense
Suatu kalimat yang menceritakan suatu kejadian atau hal, peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.

Rumus :
S + Will / Shall + Be + V1 (ing) + O / C

Adverb of time :
·         By this time tomorrow
·         At this time
·         At the same time, etc

Contoh : Ans will be sewing her dress for the party at this time tomorrow

12.  Past Future Continuous Tense
Suatu kalimat yang menceritakan suatu kejadian atau hal, peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi di masa lampau

Rumus :
S + would / should + be + V1(ing) + O / C

Adverb of time :
·         By this time yesterday
·         All day yesterday
·         At the end of last….., etc

Contoh :
 I should be swimming at this time the following day.

13.  Present  Future Perfect Tense
Suatu kalimat yang menceritakan suatu kejadian, hal atau peristiwa akan telah terjadi di masa yang akan datang.

Rumus :
S + Will / Shall + Have + V3 + O / C

Adverb of time :
·         By next……….
·         By the end of this week, etc

Contoh : I will have bought the book by next Monday

14.  Past Future Perfect Tense
Suatu kalimat yang menceritakan suatu kejadian, hal atau peristiwa akan telah terjadi di masa yang lampau.

Rumus :
S + would / should + have + V3 + O / C

Adverb of time :
·         By last ……….
·         By the end of last week, etc

Contoh : He would have graduated if he had studies hard.

15.  Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Suatu kalimat yang menceritakan suatu kejadian, hal atau peristiwa akan telah sedang terjadi dimasa yang akan datang

Rumus :
S + Will / Shall + Have + Been + V1(ing) + O / C

Adverb of time :
·         By……….for
·         By the time………… for six months, etc

Contoh :
By the time we arrive in the river the fisherman will have been fishing for six hours.

16.  Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Suatu kalimat yang menceritakan suatu kejadian, hal atau peristiwa akan telah sedang terjadi dimasa yang lampau.

Rumus :
S + Would / Should + Have + Been + V1(ing) + O / C

Adverb of time :
·         By……….for
·         By the time………… for six months, etc

Contoh : Rianawati would have been speaking English for two years